Sunday, 20 January 2013

In case you hadn't noticed...

The developers submitted a new planning application back in September last year.  Not, you will notice, an amended version of the one which raised so many objections, but a completely new one.  Actually the only real difference was to include a somewhat implausible tram route right through the middle of the development.  I am sure people buying shiny new homes have "tram passing right past my front door" high on their list of priorities, right up there with "right next to one of the busiest, noisiest roads in Nottingham" and "under six feet of water when it rains".

However, leaving all that aside, it meant that those of us who had objected to the original application and who were informed by the council that we would be updated on any developments, were not notified because it was a new application.  A bit sneaky, but that's the way the system works and I guess what we should expect from an experienced property speculator.

Fortunately, many of us did notice the new application and submitted objections, much along the lines of our previous ones, notwithstanding a reduction of proposed dwellings from 139 to 125 to make space for the tramway. 

If you want to see the objections from Nottingham City Council and our local MP, Graham Allen, their letters are linked on the right hand side.


  1. I have just attended a meeting at Mornington School, Nuthall, where members of the public and broxtowe council members were in attendence regarding all the development concerns and new HS2 route plans that go through Nuthall. There were no members of the City Council there and as a resident of Hempshill Vale I wondered why I was the lone voice standing up and asking why residents on our estate haven't been consulted or even notified of the development happening around them when surely my councillor should be there to do that!? When we first heard about the plans to build on Hempshill Fields (through stumbling across a small sign tied to a lampost) we knew we wouldn't be the only ones to not know of the proposed plans. Myself and my husband therefore took it upon ourselves to flyer 300 houses and talk to people to raise awareness. Unfortunately we were very close to the application and it was the holidays so don't feel many people would have had the time to object (and wouldn't have been aware that the date did actually move back for objections). Again an application has gone through with people not knowing about it. Where is my mp in notifying me of things happening on my doorstep? Again, we have both lodged individual objections to the build but fear that the longer this goes on with previous objectors not being made of new applications this development will just go through under the radar. I'm not interested in politics and council lines but I am bothered about the future of our green spaces.

  2. Thanks for that. I was unaware of the HS2 meeting. There is really something wrong when decisions of this magnitude can be made without proper consultation with the community. It seems that meetings are held, but very few of us are notified. I am not sure it is the job of an MP to keep us all informed, but I am appalled that as someone living next to Hempshill Field and within a few hundred metres of HS2, I am not notified by my council (who are responsible for planning decisions) to whom I pay thousands of pounds of tax each year. What is my councillor doing about this?
