Somewhat foolishly I thought that was it and we could all relax, safe in the knowledge that we and our children could continue to enjoy the fields forever.
Then came the sting in the tail, for on 9th July, Broxtowe informed us that it was far from over; the developer had lodged an appeal against their decision to the Secretary of State.
An inspector has now been appointed to make an independent assessment of the case for permitting the development. That means we all need to once again make our collective voice the inspector this time. Unfortunately I was on holiday when all this happened so have only just got round to posting this blog. However, many others have been active in writing in to oppose the development.
It is still not too late for you to add your letter as the closing date for representations is 19th August (this coming Monday).
To save you time looking up the details:
- The page on the right ("How to comment on the developer's appeal") gives details of how to respond on line or by post and includes links to the relevant documents.
- The attached letter from Graham Allen MP explains why we are against the development; you may find it useful to select the specific points you want to include in your letter.
So if you were wondering how to spend a rainy weekend...get those letters in!