Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Council says "no" to development

Last night Nuthall Parish Council voted unanimously against the proposed housing development in Hempshill Fields.  In a well attended public meeting, local residents voiced their concerns over many issues which affected themselves and others equally, questioning the suitability of the site for any housing development.

The council will object on the following grounds:
  1. Traffic increase.  Despite assurances to the contrary from the developers, it is an inevitable consequence of building homes for 139 new households, that there will be a significant increase in traffic adding to the congestion on an already over-crowded roundabout at Nuthall island.
  2. Detrimental impact on the setting of an historic listed building, Hempshill Hall.  Although, according to one councillor, ruining the view from the Hall is of no consequence in planning terms (a worrying thought in itself), the visual amenity provided by the Hall to the surroundings and the historic context of its setting in open land, is.
  3. Local amenity.  The fields currently provide publicly accessible open space which is of value to the entire community, whether it be for walking dogs, sledging in winter, or even just going for a walk.  There is nowhere else this side of an extremely busy road, for children to play.
  4. Wildlife.  A study commissioned by the developers as part of their planning application failed to mention a number of valuable wildlife assets including buzzards which many of us have seen in the area and whose habitat will be threatened by any development.

This is just the first stage in what may turn out to be a very long process.  Next the application will be considered by Broxtowe Borough Council who will take into account this objection along with all those made by residents.  Don't forget, your voice counts, so write or email the council via the link on their website...and remind your neighbours to do the same.

And even when we might think it is all over and the application is rejected, the developer can always appeal or submit a revised application, so we need to keep up the pressure and ask Broxtowe to make it clear that development on this site will never be approved.  Please post any ideas for strengthening our campaign and any relevant comments on the details of the application.  It was really encouraging to see last night that there are obviously a lot of people in the community who have specialist knowledge of certain areas such as traffic, wildlife, history and so on.  It would be great if you and others could share your knowledge and expertise with the rest of us to give us more ammunition in our fight against this wanton destruction of our last green space.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Nuthall Parish Council meeting tonight

Nuthall Parish Council are holding an extraordinary meeting which includes the Hempshill Hall planning application on the agenda.  It takes place at 7pm at the Temple Community Centre on Nottingham Road.  Looks like a good opportunity to find out more about the proposal and listen to what others think of it.

It is a public meeting and apparently anyone can attend and ask questions.  You can see the agenda by clicking on Parish Council Agenda.

Save Our Fields!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Deadline 9th April

We only have until 9th April to send in comments or objections to Broxtowe Council.  Thats just two weeks!  You can view the application plans and other documents on line and submit comments by clicking here.

Just so you know what we will be losing, I have included a picture of the view across the fields from Low Wood Road.  Let's work together to make sure this is not lost forever for our children and their children.